May 2012 formed the start for the development of the Monitor Assisted Living Areas. The aim of the monitor is to follow the process of development in the sixteen assisted living areas that Rotterdam will develop in coming years by means of a periodical effect measurement. This effect measurement is based on indicators which have been set up in collaboration with involved parties, such as Stadsontwikkeling (City Development), the cluster Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling (Social Development) and the sub-municipalities. These indicators represent the factors that are relevant for seniors and people with a disability to live independently for a longer period of time.
In this research the scientific and technical expertise of the TNO, in the form of literature studies and technical visualisation of data, is linked to the qualitative data and expertise on micro(eighbourhood) level of the Veldacademie.
The first step will be set by Veldacademie in the form of a control assessment based on the factual data sources which are currently available within the municipality. The past months arrangements have been made with the various owners of this relevant data. Among these ‘information-owners’ are the GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond, Stichting Zorgimpuls and the Centre for Research and Statistics (Dutch: CBS) of the municipality of Rotterdam. In these arrangements it has been determined which information will be made available for use in the Urban Monitor Assisted Living Areas.
In addition the monitor will include both objective data and the assessment by the users. Inhabitants of assisted living areas can give feedback and voice their opinion in group evaluations.