
Urban Monitor Assisted living areas

TNO and Field Academy have been asked by the municipality of Rotterdam to develop and implement an Urban Monitor of Assisted living areas. This way the scientific and technical expertise of TNO is linked to the knowledge and expertise at micro level of the district to develop a GIS based system.

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Forthcoming years, sixteen Assisted living areas in Rotterdam are being developed within the same urban programme. The approach is area-specific, meaning that work is progressed throughout the

specific qualities and characteristics of an area and its inhabitants. Field Academy provides an instrumentation that provides insight into neighbourhood development processes, socially, physically, and economically.

Throughout the assignments Accessible Neighbourhoods and Assisted living areas Kralingen-Crooswijk, already nine districts have been incorporated and inventoried in a uniform manner. For each area an extensive field analysis was executed. With the so-called living field methodology, relevant information is collected at different scales and is mapped clearly. Thus developments can be properly compared. The knowledge domains or living fields are housing, environment, education, economy, employment & income, health & healthcare, participation & leisure and safety. The composite data sets form a collective area analysis and form the basis for the baseline measurement of an area, and thus the direct input on components for developing an Urban Monitor for Assisted living areas.  After the summer the pilot study will kick off in Kralingen-Crooswijk and the other districts will follow later on.

For the development of the urban monitor, we cooperate with stadsontwikkeling, departments wonen, gebiedsontwikkelng, GIS en GW. TNO was asked to take up the management role for coordinating the monitor and scientific research.