
TNO and Veldacademie join forces

Recently, TNO and Field Academy started a cooperation on a research project  on ‘Future-proof and secure assisted living environments’. Their aim is to develop a community based – demand and supply module to support users/residents to live independently for a longer time span. For this a ‘profile on housing needs’ is matched with a desired combination of a range of services on housing, care,  and welfare. For residents this module is a tool to enable anticipation and orientation on personal assistance/care needs and on the offer of opportunities of residential homes and surroundings. Additionally, the module can be used by policy makers and governments as a control mechanism for the establishment of  districts and facilities.


Field academy and TNO are pooling their knowledge and capacity on Kralingen Crooswijk by synchronizing mutual research on terms of location, respondents and timeframe. To benefit from the synergy an intensive cooperation has started on the following aspects:

1 District analysis
Field academy is proposing a dynamically visualized comprensive dataset (policy analysis, maps based on facilities for care, welfare, housing etc. This data set is then used by TNO as input for the develop of the offer module. Furthermore TNO provides empirical data per district and provides advice on the composition of the dataset from a scientific perspective.

2 Qualitative research on housing stock through interviews and questionnaires
Basic principle of Field Academy’s analysis on Kralingen Crooswijk is the demand of the residents  with main focus on use of public space, facilities and establishment/location of facilities. This contrast with the focus of TNO, which starts at housing level. Field Academy can integrate questions about housing in their analysis/ questionnaires. In the meantime TNO could make use of Field Academy’s respondents. Due to this complementary character, it is being investigated whether data can be linked together creating a substantial value for the investigator/user of the analysis.