
Advice 'social return' for Havenbedrijf completed

The Havenbedrijf (or the Harbour Company) requested Veldacademie to advise on the possibilities of linking learning-working tracks and labour-induction tracks to the renovation of the Quarantine terrain on Heijplaat, Rotterdam South.

The Quarantine terrain on Heijplaat (Rotterdam South) has a rich history. The terrain including the structures was granted the status of National Monument in 2008. The terrain holds nine buildings with overdue maintenance. A maintenance plan has already been drawn up for these buildings with accompanying cost estimations and budget. A number of buildings are currently inhabited and being used as dwelling under the  denominator of vacancy management. The Havenbedrijf is owner of the terrain and structures.

The general principle for the renovation of this National Monument is the realisation of added value in social terms by linking the process to learning-working tracks/labour-induction tracks. These tracks are meant for the unemployed and people with social welfare benefits in the immediate surroundings of the complex. They are to be helped into regular work through the use of labour-induction tracks and training, ultimately with the goal of generation an outflow into employment.

One the assignment Veldacademie is currently working on the renovation of the former office section of the RET-Remise on the Sluisjesdijk in Rotterdam. In this renovation the link to learning-working tracks is one of the main principles. Based on this experience Veldacademie has been requested to advise on the possibilities of linking learning-working and labour-induction tracks to the renovation of the Quarantine terrain. 

An action plan has been drawn up and guidelines have been set out. The advice document dealt with factors of success and failure, potential partners, costs and expectation management. In addition, the possibility of applying the method of the RET-depot development in other locations was also examined.

More information about the history of the quarantine area: