The first SOFIE-loan has been granted to Stichting Handelscompagnie Sluisjesdijk by alderman Struijvenberg for the development of the former RET-depot. This financing in part makes it possible to turn the historic building into a place where working and learning meet. Veldacademie is co-initiator.
In order to stimulate the developments in the stadshavens area (or city-harbours area), SOFIE was founded in the summer of 2013: Stadshavens Ontwikkelingsfonds voor Innovatieve Economie (or City-harbours Development fund for Innovative Economy). SOFIE contributes to the revitalisation of the Stadshavens by (co)financing promising projects. The first SOFIE-loan was granted to Stichting Handelscompagnie Sluisjesdijk by the Rotterdam alderman Struijvenberg (Employment and Economy) on November 4th 2014 for the development of the former RET-depot. The expectancy is that various investment trajectories in the stadshavens area are soon to follow.
The renovation of the former RET-depot is linked to various learning-working paths and labour-induction tracks. Veldacademie and Creatief Beheer are already situated in a part of the building and participate in the development through educational programs. Through a labour-induction track the – long term – unemployed from Rotterdam South are (re)trained with the goal of enabling a durable outflow into regular employment. At the moment four people have already flowed to regular employment.
Partner: Creatief Beheer